Focus: The secret ingredient to boosting athletic performance

3 min readJun 27, 2023


darts match

“Something I learned early is to not worry about what l can’t control… But what I can control is my attitude, my effort, and my focus every single day.” — Tim Tebow

Why is focus important?

Focus is essential as it is the middle ground that connects all areas of thinking: perception, learning, reasoning, decision making, problem solving and memory. Without good focus, our ability to think rationally would be affected… Simply said: “If we can’t focus effectively, we can’t think effectively.” — IRMP Consulting

How to improve my focus?

There are many elements that impact our levels of focus throughout the day, week, month and so on. These factors range from:

  • Physical — e.g., sleep quality, our diet and overall health, activity levels…
  • Mental — e.g., how often we meditate, the state of our mental health, mindfulness…
  • Environmental — perhaps the most impactful, yet overlooked dimension. Therefore, in this article we’re going to be focusing on the 4 most essential factors that we shall pay attention to, in order to improve our focus in our daily lives — and especially during sporting activities.

1. Sounds

Beyond avoiding noise pollution (as much as we can in this day and age), limiting sounds (including even pleasant ones occasionally, to avoid sensory overload — which is hard to spot in the moment, but significantly affects our ability to focus medium to long term) has been proven to be really beneficial for our brains. Additionally, by choosing to shift our focus to the sounds around us that would otherwise be left unnoticed, it can enhance our perceptiveness, concentration, presence in the moment, attention to detail, and reflexes — all of which are essential for any sport we decide to engage in.

2. Air quality

The temperature, humidity, cleanliness and oxygen levels in the air have a great impact on our health, mood and especially focus. So taking advantage of the local weather and air conditions, as well as the various technology and devices available, we can create the best conditions for our own needs. Some useful devices to keep in mind are thermometers, humidifiers, air purifiers (especially if living in busy busy cities, which tend to be quite dusty), radiators and / or air cons & fans (mini fans are also pretty cool, so let’s consider giving them a little try in the unforgiving summer heat).

3. Lighting

Avoiding white (and bright) lights for at least 1–2 hours before going to sleep improves sleep quality, which further improves focus levels throughout the upcoming day. This needs to be a consistent habit, not just a one-off adventure away from our phones, in order for this technique to show desirable results. If absolutely necessary, warm, yellow lights are less stimulating than white / blue lights during the evening, hence a better choice. Just as important is the amount of sunlight we get everyday and if, when necessary, we supplement with vitamin D3 (taken with a fat-containing meal — to ensure optimal absorption). Taking vitamin D3 alongside Magnesium maximises the absorption of both elements and may reduce the side effects associated with them. And since vitamin D is naturally occurring through sunlight, the best time of the day to take vitamin D3 supplements would be mornings, to recreate the natural context as much as possible. However, please do consult a health professional before taking any supplements or changing your diet abruptly.

4. Interpersonal relationships

The quality and sense of fulfilment and connectedness within our interpersonal relationships not only shape who we are and how we behave, but also what we tend to focus on (and how long we can maintain this focus). Surrounding ourselves with acceptance, and relationships where immediate gratification is delayed, rather than pursued, can make a great impact on how easy we find to build and maintain focus.

We hope you enjoyed our article! Let us know in the comment section below which one if these tips you found most intriguing (and why 👀)!

Last but not least, stay tuned for our next blog update on how sports celebrities are influencing their audiences and what impact they have on the sports industry as a whole!

See you all soon!!!




Written by Sunbears

Driven by our passion for sports, we have made it our goal to contribute to the development of the sports world. // 私たちはスポーツへの情熱を胸に、スポーツ界の発展に貢献することを目標としています。

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